
Get Together events and gatherings.

fontevraudWe enjoy keeping active and hold varied events each month including our popular Walking Group, Book Club & Library, History Group, Reading Circle and regular social events.

See below for more details on our activities and forthcoming events.

Forthcoming Events

GT Summer Event – Sunday 21 July 12 noon in Le Tallud

Jilly and David Rosenberg have very kindly agreed to host this year’s Summer Event in their lovely garden by the river in Le Tallud. This is a bring and share meal. GT will provide aperos, wine and water. By popular request the horses will be making a return visit and we will stage the GT Gold Cup after lunch. Fine weather has been requested, but cannot be guaranteed.

You can download the list of activities in the monthly newsletter here.


Activities List

Walking Group A 8 km walk, with a short walk option of 4km, usually on the last Friday of each month. Organised by individual Members with lunch at a restaurant afterwards, which non-walking members are very welcome to attend.
History Group Bi-monthly talks by Members on Anglo/French history and summer visits to historical places.
Book Group Adhoc meetings at a Members home to discuss and review the latest novel read by the group..
Lunch & Wine Club Meets monthly where people bring and share a starter and a dessert with a talk on and tasting of a particular wine complimentary to the dishes
Fine Wine Evening An occasional opportunity to taste a selection of more expensive wines, with a presentation by our very own expert Member
Quiz Nights We hold 3 or 4 quizzes a year in local restaurants with an evening meal at a reasonable price. A fun evening and not too challenging!
Social Events Summer BBQ, Summer Garden Party, Ten Pin Bowling, Horse Racing Day.

If you would like to hold an event of any sort please contact the Coordinators, they will check if the date is free, discuss the details with you and let you know the date they need information for the Newsletter. We welcome volunteers (especially new members) to organise events which we would assist them with if necessary. All members are very welcome at any Get Together event wherever it is held. All information for events and events reports should be sent to the appropriate Coordinator first rather than to the Newsletter Editor direct.

If you are planning a large non Get Together event and you would like us to try and not have an association event clashing with it please also contact the Coordinators.


History Group Library

The idea for creating a GT History Library came as a result of receiving the very generous donation from Carol Andrews – a past President of GT – of her late husband’s collection of 250 history books, journals and miscellaneous articles acquired over a number of years. Keith had been one of the founder members of the History Group.

This collection has been augmented by a similar number contributed by Vaughan Wells such that the library now comprises a comprehensive collection of reference and text books, biographies and articles on aspects of world history with special emphasis on events in Britain and France.

We owe Carol a big thank you for her kind generosity in making this material available and thus ensure that Keith’s interest and enthusiasm for history can be passed on to both present and future members of the Association.

Jeremy Luckett, Chairman, GT History Group Committee, April 2015

The Group are very pleased to accept the collection of history books and genealogical tables of English and European royal families from the estate of John and Pauline Tonks who died within a few months of each other recently. John and Pauline had been members of GT since coming to France in 2007, following their retirement and their marriage in England. Both had a longstanding interest in genealogy and as well as running courses in the subject for GT members, John had traced his own family back as far as King Canute. A particular interest was the family trees of English and European royal families and their interconnections as a result of which the Collection contains a large number of history books on monarchs and prominent public figures of their time.

The History Group is delighted to receive this kind donation from John and Pauline who, as well as being members of Get Together were also members of Les Jardiniers de Poitou gardening club and active in raising funds for the Combined Services Support Group.
Jeremy Luckett, Chairman, G.T. History Group Committee, February 2016

Requesting/returning a book or article:

The Library is available to all members of Get Together, but you must be a registered user. The catalogue is available to download below or a hard copy can be consulted at History Group meetings. Requests should be submitted by e-mail to, or by hand at HG meetings. For books you will need to include your user number, the author and the title; for articles please include also the reference number to be found on the right-hand side of the listing. The maximum loan period is two months, or one month if the book/article is in heavy demand: the maximum number of books/articles that can be borrowed at any one time is four. A list of dates and times when books/articles can be collected/returned (usually at Menigoute) will be regularly updated under Forthcoming Events above.

NB: Library services are free of charge, and operated on a voluntary basis by the History Group Committee. Donations from GT/HG members are welcome, however, and will be forwarded on a six or twelve monthly basis to the cancer charity [CLIC Sargent] in memory of Keith Andrews.

History Library Book List